Our News
Our news will tell you what we do, how we do it, when and with whom. You will get an insight into our moves, activities and general course.Естетички (п)оглед: млади, креативност и стваралаштво
Идејни творци програма, директно су укључени у рад са младима и прате њихов развој – што у својству проjектног менаџера (Тамара Петровић), академика (др Зоран Таировић – Академија филмске уметности и наука), што кроз улогу студента (академије ликовних уметности)....
Семинари за наставнике који предају на српском језику настављају да се организују и у 2024. години
Пројекат ,,Семинари за наставнике који предају на српском језику’’ има за циљ едукацију 60 наставника, који предају српској деци, у школама у Хрватској, о савременој методологији наставе путем организације 3 семинара током 2024. године. Места која ће бити обухваћена...
80 наставника који преданије, професионалније и на модернији начин предају на нашем језику
Пројекат који смо неформално назвали ДИЈАСПОРА У АКЦИЈИ, а чији назив ”Семинари за наставнике који предају на српском језику” говори о посвећености континуираном и целоживотном образовању, професионалном усавршавању, и ефектима унутар образовних система који су...
Пројекат ”Млади као оснажени, видљиви и предузимљиви” отвара 2023. годину
Први пројекат чија реализација од стране Бестселера почиње у 2023. години је одобрен од стране Градске управе града Београда, Секретаријат за привреду и фокусиран је на изналажење, оснаживање и промоцију једнаких могућности као и отварање путева ка економским...
Two workshops and fourty two participants
Under the project Run Forest Run, there were 2 workshops in Belgrade – 1 in the city center and the other in Avala Mountain. Venues were chosen to reflect on both the urban and natural environment for work and living. The workshop sessions had the following goals:...
Multiplier event of the DESUWOW project held in Belgrade
On the 1st of October 2022, we gathered participants of different backgrounds to discuss about urban solid wastes and it use or reuse in agriculture. The two years long project was finishing with this activity and it was a chance for organizations that participants...
REPower means going green
Throughout the DESUWOW project, we were continuously talking about the biomass as a resource for new products (wooden mostly) and heating & electricity production. Examples of biomass are wood and wood residues, energy crops, agricultural residues, and waste from...
Transnational project meeting in March 2022
Under the DESUWOW project we were having a fruitful meeting with our colleagues and friends from the partner organizations and countries. Despite measures against the coronavirus and other occurrences that are unfortunately happening in Europe, members of the...
New year with new beginnings left behind some good old projects and their ends
WEBEN - Portal of entrepreneurial education in new key, financed by the Erasmus+ programme brought some new inspirations and fashion world views. Many activities were done, despite the difficulties in organization of international events due to the COVID-19 pandemic....
Biomass is the new life saver
Regarding all renewable energy sources in Serbia, which combine hydro energy, energy from biomass, wind, solar and geothermal sources, biomass has the greatest available potential, with about 61% share. The importance of biomass is especially noticeable in the...
Sport is now entrepreneurial
As the final product of the project "More entrepreneurship in sport - more sport for all", a brochure was published which summarizes all the conclusions and lessons learned during the 5 educational meetings held under this project. The project lasted from January 1,...
„E+ got better“ made all the knowledge visible
Project „E+ got better – road to successful entrepreneur“ finally, after the duration extensions due to COVID-19 pandemic, is finalized. The project had 8 main activities plus local workshops and made an impact in 6 countries. One of the main products Tool-kit „E+ got...
The last meeting – the new beginning
At the end of May 2021, in Palics, Serbia, the last meeting of the project “More entrepreneurship in sport – more sport for all” was held, we were rounding up the whole project, what went well, what challenges we faced and how COVID-19 pandemic that influenced not...
The need for digital skills and online education are the new reality
We maybe got used to it, maybe got fed up with it, but we cannot ignore it. Digital tools that are used in education are the new NOW and education must go on in these times of reduced mobility, so the logical thing to do is to learn from anywhere, at any time, using...
Tough times for sport, but we’re still standing
At the beginning of December 2020, creative meeting in a form of a Workshop was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, in order to develop and finalize main project output: Brochure and establish solid ground for the learning website. It is the natural continuation of the...
Connections are an asset
Capitalization of the contact and connections that we have worldwide are not only keeping us afloat during the tough years such as 2020, but genuinely inspiring us and teach us the new ways to our business and create better programmes that are beneficial for...
#ThrowBack to the 5 things we never told you about
There are many things in the form of projects, activities and initiatives that we do so diligently and in dedicated manner, that we simply miss to inform wider public about and we regret that deeply. So, we decided to sum up all the major clusters of info that we owe...
Conference “E+ got better” kicks this autumn
Conference, as the 8th activity of the project “E+ got better – a road to successful entrepreneur” took place in Belgrade, 13-15th of October 2020, with 40 participants from partner countries. Final outputs of the project (Tool kit, Initiatives and plan for joint...