Small enterprise, big success

Project Description
This is a Capacity building project under Key action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity building in the field of Youth of Erasmus+ programme with the name “Small enterprise, big success”. It consists of 4 activities: Coordination meeting, Training course, Workshop and Evaluation meeting that will be organized by Best-seller, as applicant and host.
Project Activities
1. Coordination meeting, December 2015, Palic (lake), Serbia
2. Training course, April 2016, Vrnjacka banja, Serbia
3. Workshop, September 2016, Kovacica, Serbia
4. Final evaluation meeting, December 2016, Palic (lake), Serbia
The project aims to gather founders of partner organizations,
their members, youth workers, professionals or associates from
Serbia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, FYROM, Poland and Croatia.
Main objectives of the project
Widen the knowledge
Widen the knowledge; equipping with right skills and competences for job creation among youth.
Foster creativity
Foster creativity, competitiveness, and sense of initiative toward self-employment through creation of small or micro enterprise.
Exchange knowledge
Exchange knowledge, experience and good practices on entrepreneurship and share personal views and practices.
Create the Manual
Create the Manual on steps to success, compiling the results of the project, recommendations and steps on how to bare and maintain the enterprise.
Encourage youth participation
Encourage youth participation especially in starting their own business as entrepreneurs, with big dreams and realistic actions.
Creating network
Creating network of young people and organizations, fostering mutual cooperation and future actions under Erasmus+ programme.
Other Objecitves
Personal characteristics will also be discussed such as motivation, drive or mitigating the fear of failure, all needed to start the business up, and create potential for new jobs in the field of manufacturing, services or potentially construction. Attending the project will help the participants to build capacities for anticipating economic climate and development, and to foster partnerships for future action in this field. In this regard the programme of the activities will focus first on definitions, information and realities.
As a next stage, the activities will be focused on developing individual competences and initiatives, and recognizing mechanisms for self-employment. As a further step, the activities will focus on development of entrepreneurial skills. All this is creating a framework of necessary competences needed for development of future ideas and projects which will be implemented in the follow-up activities, creating long-term impact and strengthening the results of the project as contributing to young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship. Manual on steps to success is the planned result of this TC, suitable for individuals, organizations and other stakeholders that will be presented and shared through the dissemination process.
In order to reach its goals the set of activities during the events are based on methods non-formal and informal education, learning-by-doing, using various exercises, games, and work in small groups, simulations, role plays, round tables, individual activities, analyses and syntheses open space, case studies and discussions.
Project Partners
- BTM Resources, Romania
- Udruzenje za unapredenje zivotne sredine E grupa, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Institute of entrepreneurship development – IED, Greece
- Association for International Mobility, Bulgaria
- Anatolia Genclik ve Girisimcilik Dernegi, Turkey
- Association for non-formal education EUROPEAN CULTURAL EPICENTER – ECE, FYROM
- Fundacja “Centrum Badan i Innowacji w Edukacji” – CenBad, Poland
- Youth support alliance, Serbia
- Udruga za mlade Alfa Albona, Croatia

Project’s outcomes
- New forms of youth work, training and support
- Cooperation and networking
- Methods fostering young people’s key competences
Project’s outputs
- Training resource materials
- Brochure (Click to download)
- Draft proposal for follow-up seminar