Association “Best-seller” is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives of the development of civil society and civic values.
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Пројекат ”Млади као оснажени, видљиви и предузимљиви” отвара 2023. годину
Први пројекат чија реализација од стране Бестселера почиње у 2023. години је одобрен од стране Градске управе града Београда, Секретаријат за привреду и фокусиран је на изналажење, оснаживање и промоцију једнаких могућности као и отварање путева ка економским...
Two workshops and fourty two participants
Under the project Run Forest Run, there were 2 workshops in Belgrade – 1 in the city center and the other in Avala Mountain. Venues were chosen to reflect on both the urban and natural environment for work and living. The workshop sessions had the following goals:...
Multiplier event of the DESUWOW project held in Belgrade
On the 1st of October 2022, we gathered participants of different backgrounds to discuss about urban solid wastes and it use or reuse in agriculture. The two years long project was finishing with this activity and it was a chance for organizations that participants...